Naval &
Ocean Engineering

For almost two decades, INTELLIGHT® successfully develops highly loaded structures for naval and ocean applications in plastic, composite and hybrid design that are exposed permanently to salt and fresh water. With a tailored design and an appropriate material selection, composites can play off their outstanding advantages regarding corrosion and lightweight, thus guaranteeing a maintenance free operation.
The application of plastics and composites ensures a water exposed operation for decades for highly stressed components without corrosion. The right selection of the matrix system and an appropriate protective coating avoid osmosis and ensure UV protection.
For some naval applications, also a minimum of electromagnetic signal damping and signal reflexion is essential. INTELLIGHT® here provides an extensive know-how regarding signal processing up to 40 GHz (L-Band) for ship and submarine applications.
Potential BENEFITS
Weight Reduction
Minimum Signal Transmission Damping
Minimum Signal Reflexion
Cost Reduction
Shock Resistance
Highest Corrosion Resistance
Functional Integration / Component Reduction
Telescoping Systems for Submarines (e.g. Snorkels, Masts)
Outer Water Pressure Loaded Antenna Radomes for Submarines with Specific Electromagnetic Properties (e.g. SAT-COM, RESM, CESM, L-Band up to 40 GHz)
Outer Water Pressure Loaded Housings for Submarines and Sea Ground Platforms (e.g. Multi Purpose Container TripleM, Carrier Platform CALLISTO)
Outer Water Pressure Loaded Structural Submarine Components (e.g. Bulkhead Doors)
Antenna Radomes for Ships and Drilling Platforms (e.g. Navy Fregates)
Mast Systems for Antennas (e.g. Navy Fregates)