Dare the JUMP!
NOW the Step for More Lightweight.
Potential Analysis
Your Precesion Landing with Us:
We Help to Find Out.
Identify Potentials - Take Advantage!
With our potential analyses, we systematically identify attributes of existing components, whole assemblies and systems together with you with regard to their potential of an andvantageous replacement by a plastic or hybrid lightweight solution.
Our investigations take place within a carefully prepared workshop which - in close cooperation with you - concentrates on a defined selection of your product portfolio.
The systematic examination of componets of your existing product range visualizes, what parts, e.g. out of metal today, could be replaced advantageously by a plastic or hybrid lightweight design.
With this systematic approach, in many cases weight and cost savings and improvements in design and the production process can be achieved. Our workshop offerings address to companies of all branches that want to increase the effeciency of their products and to improve the productivity by intelligent lightweight solutions.
We support you actively to find out, where there are economic lightweight potentials in your product portfolio.
Dare the jump - together with us!
Potential Analysis Workshops
In our potential analysis workshops we evaluate together with you, what components offer an added value when replaced by a plastic, composite or hybrid lightweight solution.
The workshops take place mostly at the customer site and follow a typical workflow:
Screening of all products and associated components to be considered.
Elaboration of an individual questionnaire, individually tailored to customer needs.
Examination of design, mechanical, economical and manufacturing related information for the selected products and associated components.
Systematic evaluation for each single component and whole systems with respect to prior defined criteria.